Fanny Leclerc was born on 23 June 1820 in Luxembourg City. She created several foundations and scholarships, such as the scholarship for artistic ironwork and woodcarving. Fanny Leclerc comes from a very old Luxembourg family, most of whose members were members of the judiciary and the bar. She lives part of her life in Arlon. A generous benefactress, she donated the proceeds from the sale of her Finsterthal estate to the Hospices d'Arlon, a substantial sum of approximately 80,000 francs.
Fanny Leclerc died on 12 November 1904 at the Pescatore Foundation. She is buried in Boevange-sur-Attert.
● Mémorial A - N°51 of 9 August 1911
● Evy Friedrich: Was bedeuten die Straßennamen der Stadt? in: Ons Stad 19/1985 p. 26
● L'indépendance luxembourgeoise, 17 November 1904, Jg. 32, nº 268